Not unlike a hag, it has long strands of white hair, yellow eyes, a pendulous nose, maloccluded teeth, and a large, bushy unibrow. In the third phase, you enter Glumstone's stomach, you encounter Glumstone's stomach ulcer. Glumstone tosses a large burlap sack filled with coins between his hands until phase three begins. King Dice is dressed as a jester, with a red and purple color scheme, and small bells on the end of his tassels, while The Devil is dressed as a king with a purple robe, a crown, and is coated with red fur instead of black. Glumstone then pulls out two hand puppets, both with buttons for eyes – one on his right hand as King Dice ( "I'm the Devil's right-hand man"), and the other on his left as The Devil.

In his second phase, he rips off his beard, revealing a five o' clock shadow, and a bandage on the left side of his cheek. Unlike other characters in the game, they are depicted as having stick-like limbs. The gnomes adhere to stereotypes, having pointed hats and clothes that come in blue, teal, and pink, as well as red on the cover of Cuphead in A Mountain of Trouble. The Delicious Last Course's release date trailer as well as concept art depict Glumstone in open-toe sandals and a lifting belt. He has a big red nose, puffy cheeks, dark circles, and a mouth missing some teeth although his beard and hair are white, his eyebrows and the hair on his arms are dark brown.

Gnomes sleep and cultivate their berries in his long white beard, which is laid across the stage in-game. On his back is a mountainous carapace that tapers into rocky protrusions on his skull. Glumstone is a burly giant in a tunic with patches sewed on.