How to uninstall sims 4 expansion pack without origin
How to uninstall sims 4 expansion pack without origin

how to uninstall sims 4 expansion pack without origin

If you would like to just uninstall one expansion pack, also see below.If you are having trouble with getting the game uninstalled or don't know how, read below.If you wish to reset the game files without saving any custom content or reinstalling, see: Game Help:Reset All User Files.If you just wish to reset one neighborhood or all the base neighborhoods while keeping your custom content, see Game Help:Reset Neighborhoods.When you try to reinstall a game, you get the notice that the game is already installed, but the game cannot be started.Don't know how to uninstall the entire game completely.Don't know how to uninstall a single expansion pack.Stops, freezes, or errors when trying to uninstall.Uninstalling deleted my downloads/sims/neighborhoods!. Delete the registry keys manually. Remove Leftover Windows Uninstall Data.

How to uninstall sims 4 expansion pack without origin